SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
At Bincombe Valley Primary School we aim to work in close partnership with parents and carers. Children with Special Educational Needs and /or Disabilities (SEND) are best supported when we all work together to achieve the best possible short and long term outcomes.
We value and respect positive input from parents and carers and welcome your involvement in all aspects of your child’s education and school life.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s learning or well–being please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Class Teacher or the SENDCO, Mrs Slater. If you would like to contact Mrs Slater, please call the school office on 01305 832329 or complete the form: SEND Parents/Carers Contact Form
SEND Provision Map - what do we do in schools to support children?
SEND school protocol
Dorset Parents Guide to SEND
SEND Policy
SEND Information Report
Single Equality Policy
Accessibility Policy
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy
Intimate Care Policy
You can read our SEND Local Offer in our policies page and for more information about what SEND advice and support is available to families in Dorset, please see Dorset Council’s SEND Local Offer.
You can also find childcare, activities and family support on the Dorset Family Information Directory.