Bincombe Valley Primary School

 Bincombe Valley Primary School Governors 

Welcome to the Governors' page.

Bincombe Valley Primary School has a team of Governors with a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement, who work closely with the Headteacher and school leadership team. We aim to achieve this by developing an in-depth understanding of the school and using this knowledge to challenge and support the Headteacher and the team. We also ensure that the school's clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction are maintained; holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and it's pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and overseeing the financial performance of the school to ensure money is spent to the best advantage of our children. 

Our Governors consist of a group of volunteers drawn from parents, the community and the school who give up our time and experience freely to support the continuing success of our school. We act as a corporate body and each governor receives training appropriate to the roles that they undertake.

The Full Governing Body meets twice each term and is supported by three sub-committees:

  • People and Finance Committee.
  • Curriculum Committee.
  • Infrastructure Committee.

Annual priorities are laid down in the School Development Plan.

Individual Governors support our aim through:

  • Active involvement with the school and the wider community in a variety of ways that reflect their interests and skills;
  • The sharing of their knowledge and views with the other governors;
  • Membership of  committees and
  • On-going training and development.

Members of the Governing Body may be contacted through the school office.

Minutes of the Full Governing Body meetings may also be viewed on request through the school office.

The list below gives a brief summary of our governors. In addition we are supported  by our clerk,                    Rebecca Savage..  




Term of Office 

Peter Marsden Co-Opted( Chair) September 2022 4 Years
Leif Pallister Staff (Head Teacher) September 2014 Time in Role
Tim Upton Co-Opted (Deputy Head Teacher) September 2017 Time in Role
Irene Robinson Co-Opted September 2020 4 Years
Sharron Garbutt Co-Opted November 2022 4 Years
Michele Pettinger Co-Opted (Vice Chair) November 2020 4 Years
Mark Tewkesbury Co-Opted November 2021 4 years
Debbie Hudgell Local Authority Governor/Safeguarding  February 2022 4 Years
Liz Marsden Co-Opted  January 2023 4 Years
Rebecca Eales Staff September 2023 4 years
Sarah Reader Associate Staff September 2023 4 Years
Chandana Rajapaksha Parent Governor December 2023  4 Years
Parent Governor

Link  Governors
Chesil Partnership Governor - Peter Marsden

STEM Link Governor - Peter Marsden

Health & Wellbeing Governor - Michele Pettinger

Safeguarding Governor - Debbie Hudgell

SEND Link Governor - Irene Robinson

Communication Language & Literacy Governor - Liz Marsden

Health & Safety Governor - Sharron Garbutt

Community Link Governor - Mark Tewkesbury

Parent Governor - Vacant

Parent Governor - Chandana Rajapaksha

Nursery & Early Link Governor - Vacant

Staff Governor - Rebecca Eales

Associate Governor - Sarah Reader


Sub Committee Membership 2023 -24

Standards and Curriculum 

Liz Marsden - Committee Chair

Irene Robinson 

Peter Marsden

Leif Pallister

Tim Upton

Michele Pettinger

Rebecca Eales

Chandana Rajapaksha

Rebecca Savage (Clerk of Governors - without voting rights)


People & Finance

Mark Tewkesbury  -  Committee Chair

Peter Marsden 

Leif Pallister

Sarah Reader

Sharron Garbutt

Chandana Rajapaksha

Donna Rance - Finance Officer (without voting rights)

Rebecca Savage (Clerk of Governors - without voting rights)



Debbie Hudgell - Committee Chair

Leif Pallister

Michele Pettinger

Sharron Garbutt

Rebecca Eales

Tim Randall - Site Manager (without voting rights)

Rebecca Savage (Clerk of Governors - without voting rights)


Clerk of Governors

Rebecca Savage