Bincombe Valley Primary School

Tapestry - Your Child's Online Learning Journey

Tapestry is an easy-to-use, interactive online learning journal recording all the learning and fun of children's early years education.  It helps educators and parents to record, track and celebrate children's progress in early years education.

Nurseries are fun-packed and busy. From messy play and first steps to learning phonics and new games, there's so much for children to do, learn and take in. Tapestry enhances this special time, helping teachers and practitioners to capture children's experiences as well as monitor development and learning. This unique journal is shared online with parents, who are able to see special moments and view their child's progress.

Once you have registered your e-mail address with the school, click on one of the links below, depending on your chosen device, to download the app or log on to the web-site.   

Tapestry - Where do I start?

Tapestry for Android Devices (Samsung, Sony Motorola etc.)

Tapestry for Apple Devices (IOS)

Tapestry on the Web (PCs)